By becoming a booster, you will be supporting over 550 children who participate in Magnolia Little League’s youth baseball and softball programs.
Our league has a strong legacy of stewardship with Seattle Parks & Recreation funding many improvements for the benefit all Seattle citizens including the bathrooms by field 3 and field 6N at West Magnolia Fields. Magnolia Little League is currently exploring field improvements to Raye Field, Lawton and the Field 5 batting cage. Magnolia Little League is active working with Seattle Parks providing matching funds for the redevelopment of Smith Cove Park.
Additionally, our league offers scholarships so that all children in our league boundary have a place to play.
By becoming a booster, your tax deductible donation will be used to keep our league, our parks and our Magnolia community strong.
Magnolia Little League is recognized as a 501(c)3 charitable organization by the Internal Revenue Service, Tax ID 91-1540033. Therefore, all donations made to our organization, beyond the basic participant fees, may be regarded as charitable donations to the full extent permitted by the IRS Code and tax laws of the State of Washington. We are an all-volunteer organization.
You can join our Booster club during registration or make a donation anytime here!